
Born in Buenos Aires · Raised as a nomad · I've sown many dreams and harvested some passions. Here are vignettes of my wanderings.
By age 14, I had lived in 8 houses, 4 cities, 6 neighborhoods and 2 provinces · From an apartment in the big city to a little town in the mountains, from a quaint provincial neighborhood, to a rough area by the docks · Life was anything but predictable.
Attending an industrial high-school, I became fascinated with the beauty of mathematics · Curiously, this was also the time when poetry first shied its way into my life.
Confused and dazed by the abrupt end of my adolescence, I followed my family to California, and joined the timeless ranks of immigrants · I was 19 and spoke barely any English · Taking ESL classes at a community college led me to academia, a brief flirt with Journalism, a Plant Science degree at UC Davis, a series of cool experiences in botany and ecology, and finally to the University of Central Florida, where I am now pursuing a PhD in Conservation Biology.